Employers - What Can Mission Me 
Do For Your Organisation?

Mission Me can provide a young, skilled talent pipeline for your business or industry. Our unique approach ensures that any young person we place with you will be passionate, motivated, and prepared to make a positive impact from the moment they step across the threshold.

The Mission Me approach takes these young people on a journey before they start in their careers which briefly encompasses the following stages: 


Identify through a variety of techniques; what motivates the young person, where their innate talents and strengths lie, what their learning preferences are, what hurdles they face and what their future aspirations are.


Broadening horizons and considering a diverse range of roles that match their profile to identify a target set of careers


Job role audit, potential barrier assessment, step by step plan to increase experience, exposure and educational opportunities to reach their goal.


Support to secure employment in their area of interest and ongoing mentor support to ease transition and ensure success.
If you would like to know more about our employment services, if you can offer work experience places for our talented young people, or you’d like to join us as a career mentor please get in touch via employers@missionme.uk

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